I am glad to announce Examplotron 0.5 [1], a transitional version
keeping roughly the same set of features than Examplotron 0.4 [2] with a
totally different architecture since instead of being compiled into a
XSLT transformation, Examplotron schemas are now compiled into Relax NG
schemas (with embedded Schematron rules when needed).
This first step gives a much more solid base to Examplotron and will
allow to add new features such as those proposed by John Cowan [3] and
Murata Makoto[4].
Although discussion about future enhancements of Examplotron may still
be carried on lists such as xml-dev or relax-ng-comment, I have created
examplotron@xmlschemata.org [5], a new list dedicated to examplotron.
To subscribe, please send an email to
examplotron-request@xmlschemata.org with "subscribe" in the subject or
An access to the CVS repository managing Examplotron documents is now
available online [6].
Many thanks for your answers (either private or public) to my previous
mail and I look forward to your future contribution!
[1] http://examplotron.org/0/5/
[2] http://examplotron.org/0/4/
[5] http://lists.xmlschemata.org/examplotron/
[6] http://cvs.xmlschemata.org/cvsweb.cgi/downloads/examplotron/
-- Rendez-vous a Paris. http://www.technoforum.fr/docu2003/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric van der Vlist http://xmlfr.org http://dyomedea.com (W3C) XML Schema ISBN:0-596-00252-1 http://oreilly.com/catalog/xmlschema ------------------------------------------------------------------------Received on Fri Jan 24 18:15:43 2003
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